Sunday, June 17, 2012

Fork Hook on Old Wood

This was a fun project and one I created for the antique/gift store, Gramma Sophie's, in Boonville, MO.

A fork bent into the shape of a hook then screwed to an old weathered, beat up board with an Americana scene painted in acrylic paints can serve as a decorative hat or coat hook. (Use a small screw that will fit between the tines of the fork.)

When changing out your decor for Flag Day, Veterans Day, Memorial Day or 4th of July, this primitive piece will grab the attention of friends or family who come to visit.

Background: The sky was quickly slapped on with a hint of creamy white. The trees on the horizon were painted with a sage green  using only the chisel edge of an old, worn out half inch brush. The right side of the trees were darkened with old ivy.

Grass: There is really only a hint of grass created by laying the brush horizontally and skipping around from back to foreground with sage green. Then with old ivy, add a few dark areas.

Barn: Base coat the barn in dark red then shade with diluted black or midnight. Paint the roof line in black. Add the door and loft window in black. Highlight the left edge of the door and window with creamy white. Dry brush in highlights with creamy white.

Path: A combination of light and dark browns (like latte and burnt umber) were slapped on.

Weeping Willow Tree: Paint the trunk of the tree with a light brown using the chisel edge of a half inch brush then shade the right side with burnt umber.

Using a 1/4 inch brush and old ivy, push in the leaves by tilting the brush, pushing and lifting to create a tear drop shape.

Sheep: Base coat the sheep in creamy white then float the shading around the edges with burnt umber. Add the black face, ears and legs by creating simple shapes with a 1/4 inch brush. With the 1/4 inch brush, paint a small blue square then add two dark red stripes. Stencil in a star on the blue square.

Border: Alternate dark red and creamy white using a half inch brush then float shading with burnt umber on both the inner and outer edges of the border.

Don's forget to add either sawtooth or wire hangers.

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