Friday, March 18, 2011

Create a Paint Can Out of a Coffee Can

Or How to Recycle a Large Coffee Can

I don't buy empty paint cans to decorate for my clients but I was in need of a container to deliver a wrapped candy bar order.

I wandered the house looking for items to recycle that would fulfill my need and remembered my stack of empty coffee cans. I knew I had a dimension template saved on my computer but I needed to also make a handle for my "paint can" created out of a coffee can.

Of course I had a reserve of cable wire. The center of cable wire is copper so I had to strip the outer layers down to reveal the copper wire I needed.

I assembled the following:
*81/2 x 11 Card stock
*Coffee can template(s) consisting of a front and back both measuring 10w x 6 1/6h. This height reveals the silver/aluminum rims around the top and bottom. If you don't want those to show then make the height 6 3/16.
*Hot glue gun and glue sticks
*Dremel with a bit to drill holes for the handle in the coffee can
*Copper wire
*Tissue paper
*Ribbon to match

Using my measuring tape, I measured around the outside of the can then divided that measurement in half. The can was 19 inches so I knew I would have to drill a hole at the halfway point of 9 1/2 inches on opposite sides. Using a Sharpie, I marked the two points then measured down 1/2 inch from the top rim at each 1/2 mark and marked that point.With my Dremel, I drilled small holes at the two points.

I all ready had a design to print on the card stock which meant I only had to size it to fit the 8 1/2 x 11 sheet. Once I had printed the front and back, I cut them out and glued them onto the can with hot glue. The paper covered the holes but no problem. I grabbed my Dremel again and drilled holes - using my previously drilled holes as guides - through the paper from the inside of the can.

I inserted one end of the wire through a drilled hole then curled it so it wouldn't slip back through. Then I did the same to the other side. With my handle now finished, the paper glued into place, all that was left was inserting tissue paper inside the can and stuffing curled ribbon around the inside edge of the coffee can.

Who needs to buy empty paint cans when coffee cans are just as nice? Actually, in my opinion the copper wire dresses it up nicely.

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